Author Mode vs. Work Mode

I truly have two “modes” in life. In my free time I totally LOVE being an author. I am still amazed to say I am a published author. In my “Author Mode” I am inspired, and it feels natural to “Just Write.” I rarely feel anxious in author mode. 

On the other hand, when I am in “Work Mode” I have a sense of pressure that can create anxiety in me. However, I love what I do Monday through Friday. My job is challenging, and it is rewarding. It keeps me sharp, and it satisfies me in so many ways. 

It’s amazing to me that the two do not collide but rather cross over into each other. I love putting words together, crafting a statement whether fiction or factual. I put the words in front of me then do whatever it takes to make it readable and do what I need to do so that it makes sense. 

While I am happy as an Author and I am happy with my day job, imagining myself writing full-time is still a goal for one day. One day. And I kind of can’t wait! 


Colors, Cool Air, and Pumpkin Everything


Book Signings and Making New Friends