I Wore Makeup Today
Most days I touch up my eyebrows, only because I can’t stand how my eyebrows look without touching them up! Occasionally I might add mascara to brighten up my eyes, but, truthfully, I rarely do this.
On Friday, October 9, 2020, besides being my firstborn’s birthday and one of my most favorite days of the year, we had a video conference at work. Usually our meetings are voice only. For this meeting we were asked to open our video so we could see each other for an activity. I was one of those rolling my eyes; but, I put on more than just mascara, I fixed my hair and wore a cute top.
I never expected to enjoy it like I did. I don’t mean that as negative as it sounds. I like the people I work with; what I didn’t realize is how much I have missed them! I saw their faces and heard their voices and, as they say, “my heart smiled.” I guess I was not expecting those emotions. The next Friday we met again, with video turned on. I found myself looking forward to it and I enjoyed it again!
After being socially isolated, or quarantined, since mid-March of this year, it has felt really good to see co-workers.
I remember several years ago when I discovered that my mom was suffering from depression. I didn’t understand it. I spent hours trying to get her to get dressed, put on makeup and find a purpose. What I did not know at the time was she was in the beginning stages of dementia which only complicated the depression.
When I looked at my smiling co-workers and sensed their excitement and relief to be together, albeit on the computer screen, I realized the depressed feeling I had been experiencing was lifting a bit. Smiling back at them and listening to the laughter we shared did more for me than I ever expected.
And so did the lipstick! Putting on makeup and having face-to-face time with others was uplifting and healing. I may still feel down, from time to time, but I will remember to add a little makeup, look for someone to chat with, and turn the video on!