Being a Writing Coach

I have shared before that over the last couple of years I studied coaching to earn my certification in June of 2021 via the International Coaching Federation (ICF) as an Associate Certified Coach (ACC). I am proud to be a part of this association and carry this certification.

I love being a coach! I love talking with others and listening, then focusing on helping someone else figure out next steps. As I have gained more and more experience in coaching, I have experienced varying niches. Very recently I have felt pulled towards specifically being a writing coach.

Writing is a passion for me, but I am far from an expert. The beauty of coaching in an area I love is I don’t have to be the expert. I do need to be a good listener and motivator.

With this focus in mind, I would love to hear from other writers or even those “wannabe” writers. I would love to know what and where you get stuck, what you do to get un-stuck and what your goals are for finishing that writing project! Let me coach you through your writing experience.


Coaching for Writers


The Wannabe