A Writing Resolution
Mark Twain once said, “I didn’t have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead.”
That’s what making my 2021 New Year’s Resolution meant to me. It felt like something I had put off and never seemed to have time for. I had been writing a story over several years at that point. After making that resolution, I finally made myself make the time. It then turned into a writing that means the world to me, not to mention having a completed book!
Prior to giving myself a deadline via my 2021 New Year’s Resolution, I wrote when I felt inspired. Sometimes those inspirations came far apart in time. I wanted to write but I wasn’t making time for writing. The deadline I gave myself was the push I needed, and I was able to finish the book by about mid-summer of 2021. Editing took more time, but I found that part fun. I also enjoyed sharing my story with my family and getting their reactions. Those reactions were incredibly helpful during the editing process.
Taking the plunge into writing was a huge step for me but the bigger step came in becoming bold about the fact that I was writing a book. I doubted my own abilities and I felt intimidated to admit I had this passion, then even more so on how I would share it with the world.
I believe we all have those kinds of inner dreams, or goals, and can set ourselves up to ignore those tugs to just do it. This experience has made me a believer in just doing it. I would love to share how I worked through that and coach others in writing or whatever your passion might be.
As I work on my next steps, the publishing part of writing a book has been a bit confusing, although I am determined to get it done. There are a few things to consider as I move into this stage. While the tasks themselves may get frustrating, I want this so much that I know I can (and will) do it.
I also have started on a second book. As ideas come to me, I have started making notes and piecing parts of it together. The art of writing is what drives me. I enjoy putting words together and making it a story.
Getting to this point was really a dream come true for me. I must keep moving forward with writing. This is my future. What will be yours? Let’s connect!