My First Book!

I am thoroughly excited to have finished writing my first book!

The concept for this book began several years ago while on vacation in northern New Mexico. The story began growing in my head and with the encouragement from my husband, two sons, and daughter, a story began.

Over the years I have added to it and in 2020 I realized the whole book would not write itself if I didn’t get busy with it. So, my New Year’s resolution, going into 2021, was to finish writing my book. I don’t know if I have ever been able to say that I kept my New Year’s resolution, but this year, I did! I just need to work on the next steps to get it out in the public. I think I finally realized I truly am a writer, or an author, now just to become a published author!

More to come as I complete the final stages.


A Writing Resolution


7 Days of Tea!