In Between Time

The “In Between Time” is where I find myself right now. I wrote my first book, finished, and published it in 2023, then I finished the second book (in the trilogy) recently (2024). So here I am in the “In Between Time.” I feel like I should be doing something but here I am. Editing started, and several corrections were made. More reading and editing. Once that is finished, we move into review and then beginning production. That part is very exciting, and it will be once it starts. Until then, I wait in the “In Between Time.” 

I believe “In Between Time” happens often in life. We can’t wait for the next big thing whether a promotion at work or a family event such as a wedding or a new baby. What do we do during that time? We wait. We keep living. We continue enjoying life no matter what is coming next.


Quiet but Savage

