Quiet but Savage
Someone recently made a comment about me (to someone else) using the two words “quiet” and “savage.” My initial reaction? “I LIKE it!” The more I have thought about it, the more I now LOVE it! I took it as a compliment. I am naturally a quiet person. I don’t walk into a room talking. I most often listen to a crowd before I join in conversations.
Then that other word, “Savage!” I interpret it as being passionate. After hearing this, it made me ponder what I am passionate about, what makes me “savage?” I know I am passionate about my family and how much I love them; how proud I am of them, and I can see how that “savage” side might show up when it comes to my family.
What else makes me savage? As I share so very often, I love to write. When it comes to writing I hope I can put my savage side to work as I create story lines. I know I must have used some of that side of me for parts of the new book coming out this year, “Way of the Canyon.” The Kammer Family experiences drama that builds and becomes a little bit “savage” in itself. I hope you will join the Kammer Family series and keep up with what’s happening in their world, in that beautiful mountain valley they call home.