The First Coaching Session

I sat down in front of my computer several minutes early, determined not to be late for my first session of being coached as a writer. I wondered why I had agreed to do this. After all, I already know how to write. I already feel gifted in writing. I already trust my ability to write, and I don’t think anyone needs to tell me how to do this. So, why am I sitting here, and why am I about to join this video session with a writing coach?

Let me explain. A few months ago, I felt a tug to start writing a fiction novel. I was very excited about it, and I loved the ideas that began to flood my mind. So very excited! My problem? My mind couldn’t stop racing. I had what felt like wonderful ideas, but I was having trouble finding the beginning, the middle, and the end of my novel. I didn’t understand why this was happening when I loved to write, and I knew how to write!

So, here I sit, about to join my first coaching session. Again, my mind raced. What will the session be like? What if I don’t answer right? What if I make a fool of myself? I began to sweat and feel more and more nervous as the time to log in got closer and closer.

“Maybe my computer will quit before I can log in,” I muttered out loud to only me. “That’s silly, I need to pull it together,” I continued.

The audible notification on the computer made me jump. It reminded me I had 5 minutes before the coaching session would start. 5 minutes. What would I do for five minutes? Sit and stare at my screen? I quickly realized I could use this time to meditate, to breathe in and out slowly, to gain focus and be prepared to be coached.

The notification sound pulled me back to the computer screen. It was time. This time I didn’t jump (but my stomach did). I laughed at myself as I clicked, “join the meeting” and clicked the options for audio and video. In seconds I was in the session. My coach was on the screen smiling and greeting me warmly. Her first words helped me realize this was not a test. This was a safe place, a friendly place. I smiled and said, “I am ready.”


(Sometimes) “I Dance with Words”


A Writing Place