(Sometimes) “I Dance with Words”
As music starts, my hands, my feet …, they dance
My arms, my legs,
My hips, my head,
All of me moves
The music motivates me
To dance
To move
To feel the energy and simply dance
Then, sometimes, I realize, I dance with words…
Words like steps, free, light, and joy, they dance in my head
Words like time, great, offering, and pure begin to dance on the page
Words like hope, fear, build, and use … they dance all around me
At these times, how then am I motivated?
Am I motivated to dance?
No, in times like these I am motivated to write!
To write what is in my heart,
To write what is in my head,
To write, expressing my thoughts….
So, YES! (Sometimes) “I Dance with Words”
Victoria L Medina Baker
© En-spire Life