I love tea. I hate tea bags! (and some exciting news!)

I started using loose tea several years ago after years of trying different brands of tea bags and never finding anything I really liked. I finally realized that the loose teas offer so much more flavor and options to try!

I have since experimented over the years with varying combinations of loose tea and realized it was not so much about the flavor, but about the aroma and the benefits of the tea. Many shops offer combinations and will even add the benefits of the tea to the label. This is so helpful.

I have gotten to where I have just a handful of combinations that are my favorites. I use Chamomile a lot, especially in the late afternoon and evening. My favorite add-ins are Ginger, Rosehips and Lavender. This tea is full of flavor and calming herbs. One benefit is aiding in getting a good night’s rest!

When I need an afternoon boost, my go-to is Green Tea with Lemon and I usually add other herbs such as Sage, Dandelion and almost always Ginger. I love to add Ginger to any tea. It has such a crisp refreshing flavor, and it is so good for the stomach after meals and for tummy aches too. Another afternoon tea I love is Yerba Mate. I add Rosehips and Ginger, then honey and sip it hot through a bombilla mate straw. If you have not seen or heard of the bombilla mate straw, check out Old Barrel Tea online and search for it under their tea accessories.

My favorite Black Tea is Coconut Black. I always enjoy experimenting with herbs and have found that the Rosehips and Lavender go wonderfully with the coconut. By the way, I love to add honey to all of the above!

Now onto my exciting news! I want to combine my love for Coaching with my love for Tea and offer sessions with a cup of “En-Spire Life Tea” to enjoy during a session. Just connect with me, sign up for a Pajama Hour session, and message me your mailing address. I will send you a bag of my own relaxing tea creation to enjoy while we chat. I look forward to chatting and sipping with you!


Relaxing Tea


“I’m never gonna know what you go through...” ~ Glen Campbell