Sunrises, Sunsets… and Stress

I love sunrises and sunsets! I don’t love stress!

I woke up a little earlier than usual on the morning that I snapped this pic of a sunrise. It occurred to me afterwards that I tend to not notice sunrises very often. I see a lot more sunsets because of the way our house sits, but I don’t really notice them as often as I think I should. On this particular morning there were enough clouds in the sky to highlight some color and out of the corner of my eye, as I set up for Yoga, I saw the beautiful colors. I immediately went outside and captured this pic.

How easy is it to miss the small, beautiful things in life? How easy is it to let these things pass us by? I truly want to be more deliberate about noticing sunrises and sunsets, to stop and smell the roses, to listen to the birds, to watch the birds, and to appreciate everything around me. Basically, I want to live in the moments and enjoy each moment, as moments pass by much too quickly.

Recently I have used some new-to-me tools for de-stressing. It has made me realize how I have been missing things that could and should have been helping me de-stress, rather than focusing on what was stressing me out.

So, now I am striving to look for the sunrise, the sunset, listen for the birds, watch them more and soak in the beauty around me, especially when I need to de-stress


Caregiver or Daughter? (It’s hard to do both)

