New Years Resolutions and Goals!
Here we go again, thinking about the New Year and what we might do better, or different after January 1.
My first thought is in wondering how 2024 went by so quickly! Then I let myself think back on what I hoped to accomplish in 2024. One of my goals was to finish book 2 in my trilogy of the Kammer Family. That has been accomplished and I am beyond happy to have met that goal. I truly cannot wait for you to read Way of the Canyon as it releases within the next month or so.
I also strived, in 2024, to be less anxious about the tasks before me daily (mostly at work). I feel like I have been able to reach this resolution, based on how I now do better about living in the moment. This alone has helped me maintain calm in those escalated anxious moments that come and go.
Now for 2025!
I definitely want to finish the third and final book of the trilogy. That's at the top of my list. I would also like to travel to at least one or two bucket-list destinations. I have a couple of locations in mind. Hopefully 2025 does not fly by too quickly, before we get these trips in!
Maintaining a “live in the moment” lifestyle will remain on my list of resolutions.
What about you? What’s at the top of your list?
Happy 2025 to you all! I hope you accomplish all you hope for in the next twelve months.