Country Living

If you follow my posts and blogs, and know about my book, Into the Canyon, you are likely familiar with the fact that I grew up spending about half of my time at our family ranch in northern NM. My grandparents on my dad’s side raised their family on that ranch and my dad learned from his dad about “country living.” 

While I am far from being a country girl, I do consider myself a mountain woman! I love being in the mountains, hiking and taking in that fresh country air. A little hard work isn’t too bad either. I am not a tough girl, and never have been. I like the feminine side of my life. 

Where am I going with this? Last month I shared about my middle child, son musician and his recent CD release. 

This month I want to brag about my oldest. My firstborn who truly knows about country living. What I thought I knew; he now teaches me. 

Jeremy Victor Baker is a cotton farmer in West Texas. He is mostly self-taught. He is determined and driven, and the outcome of his farming proves that. He is successful. To say I am proud of him is a huge understatement that I cannot explain with words. I have watched him grow from the adorable happy baby to the amazing man he has become. 

So, “country living,” it’s what he and his family do best. They live out in the country in West Texas. They have a great outdoor life. We visit them often and I am always impressed with Jeremy’s latest projects or plans. He built the home he and his wife and two daughters live in. That kind of stuff amazes me. To have a son who can do all that he does blows my mind. 

He enjoys cooking outdoors, and we totally enjoy eating what he cooks. I don’t know if it is rare for a man to cook as well as he does and be as mechanically inclined as he is, but this guy does it all, and he does it VERY WELL! 

Country living is his thing, and it sure looks good on him. This Momma is proud! 


Healthy Eating


My Experience Part IV - Writing Acknowledgments