What I’ve Learned from My Daughter

In celebration of my daughter’s birthday at the end of August, I am blogging (or bragging) about her this month.

I have an amazing daughter, and while I could write pages and pages of why I am so proud of her, and how much I love her, I will share what I have learned from her.

My daughter is wise beyond words (she’s been this way since she was a little girl). She is strong and she is full of life. She is decisive. She understands herself and knows when she can and cannot handle something. She knows when to say YES and when to say NO. She is confident. My daughter loves big. She is kind, and she is fun. My daughter is smart in life and business. She is a freelance creative designer and social media consultant. She is a photographer and videographer who knows how to capture beautiful moments in life.

Then best of all, my daughter knows how to laugh! It is one of my favorite things about her. I love the way her laughter fills a room. She can make others around her laugh, many times for no reason. My father often commented on how much he loved to hear her laugh. She has a most contagious laugh!

While raising my daughter, and spending time with her as an adult, I have learned so much; how to be strong, how to love life, to have confidence in myself and know what I can or cannot handle. I try to be decisive, but I am not nearly as quick as she is with decisions!

Most of all, I have learned from my daughter, how to laugh. There is no one else who can make me laugh like she does. It’s a laughter that comes from deep inside, it builds and builds until I think I won’t be able to take in a breath. It’s a laughter that won’t stop and eventually becomes uncontrollable.

My son-in-law calls it “ridiculousness” when she and I laugh this way. I love that! Why not laugh so hard and so much that you become ridiculous? If I ever need a good laugh, a good distraction, all I need to do is call my daughter, better yet, have a video call with her so we can watch each other falling over with laughter!

What have I learned from my daughter? Oh, so much, but the greatest of all, the most fun of all, I have learned how to laugh!

Have a beautiful birthday, Vanessa Elizabeth, full of much laughter and know how much you are loved!

Love, Mom




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