How’s Your Mental Fitness?

Mental fitness is an important part of our overall wellness/fitness journeys. So many things can get in the way of mental fitness and staying mentally fit can be challenging with so many kinds of stressors moving in and out of our lives.

With all that life brings, how can we stay mentally fit? These are my opinions only, nothing official about them, but I will share what I do to maintain mental fitness.

First and foremost, for me is my relationship with God. It has taken me a very long time to get quiet time with God into a consistent routine. I now cherish that time and not much gets in the way of it these days. I have learned to carve out the first part of my mornings for prayer and Bible reading. I then do a short Yoga routine and two mornings out of the week I join a Nia Dance class via Zoom. I absolutely love this routine!

I enjoy other kinds of physical exercise as well. I notice if I slack off on physical exercise I may start feeling down, not to mention lethargic. Having a consistent physical fitness regimen has helped keep me not only feeling better physically, but also mentally. My other favorite physical fitness choices are riding my bicycle and swimming.

I believe eating the right food can also impact mental fitness. I feel a lot better when I am eating enough fresh fruits and vegetables throughout the day. I find myself needing to work on this one daily, as I don’t consistently pick the healthiest food options, but I am trying!

Taking time for myself to do the things that both keep me calm and relaxed as well as content are a must for me in my mental fitness journey. As I have shared many times, writing brings me joy as well as a sense of calm and relaxation. This one is a little tricky for me because when I write I am usually alone, and I have noticed a sense of loneliness can hit me if I let it in. Working on staying connected to family and friends keeps me upbeat and helps me avoid that slippery slope.

So, how’s your mental fitness? I would love to know what you do to keep it healthy. Whether it’s through a “Taste of Coaching” or simply a phone call between us friends, I am always ready to listen and to learn! 

May you be blessed in your Mental Fitness Journey! 


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