My Name is Victoria, Not Vicky
Our identities are pretty much wrapped up in our names and we are the ones who carry them through life.
When I was a little girl, my dad called me “Toya” and I always wished that had stuck over my traditional nickname of “Vicky.” It became his special name for me which I treasure, especially now that he is in Heaven. His name was Victor, which is how I got named, Victoria.
You see, my parents already had a daughter and they had hoped I would be a boy. From what they told me growing up, if I had been a boy, I would have been Victor. When I surprised them by being a girl, my mom looked at my dad and said, “should we name her Victoria?” He liked it!
I am not fond of the nickname “Vicky” so through the years I have gradually gotten away from it. I also never liked the varying ways to spell “Vicky” and it was never spelled my way on key rings in tourist shops! There are still some people from my past who call me “Vicky.”
Regardless, my name is “Victoria” and I like it!