En-Spire Life Meaning
Where did I come up with the name, En-Spire Life?
The answer is I had seen it several years ago, when I was beginning to think of an idea for a business where at the time, I had considered more of a consulting type of business. I wanted to do something that would help others reach their goals professionally, by mentoring or “coaching” them through interviews and any challenges that come along in our work lives. The word “inspire” was on my mind and it occurred me to look at my translator app for the word in different languages.
That’s when I saw it spelled “enspire” in Haitian Creole. I loved it and I especially loved the meaning of the word; “to fill someone with the ability to do or feel something” and “to breathe in.” That was it! I wanted to “breathe life” into others through their own gifts and abilities.
It was well after this time that I found coach training and I started on the journey of becoming a certified Coach. Now I am a fully credentialed International Coach Federation (ICF) coach and I absolutely love it!
I am currently continuing my original dream as a coach, reaching out to anyone needing that extra something to get through a challenge, or simply starting out in the professional world. But coaching has become a passion for me and not just for the work life.
I see coaching as something beneficial in all parts of life. I can’t wait to be a part of your story!