Laughter almost seems to solve everything!

Psalm 126: 2 says, “Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy.”   

This verse and just the word “laughter,” reminds me fondly of a Women’s Group from one of our previous churches in Texas.  One of the ladies in the group was in charge of the program for a particular meeting; she led the program on LAUGHTER!  It was a simple program.  We were all charged with the task of laughing.  Sounds simple.  But the catch was that was all we could do was laugh.  So, we were invited to stand up and move around the room to mingle with each other.  We could use NO words, only LAUGHTER!  It was one of the most healing exercises I have ever experienced, and one of the most fun, and hysterical as well.  I vividly remember one of the ladies, “Betty O” as she was so fondly referred to.  Betty O would step in front of any one of us and slap her own knee then she just laughed, but it was a true belly laugh that, of course, made all of us burst out in hysterical laughter.  I know the room must have been echoing with laughter (and the walls may have been moving too)!  I can almost hear it now just thinking back.   

That kind of laughter is what we all need in our lives.  Over the past couple of weeks, our youngest granddaughter has been visiting.  She is one of those children who can make you double over in laughter, and she has done this to us quite often during her short visit.  We needed this kind of laughter in our house.  So often we simply go through our daily tasks, and we might get in a small giggle but not a true, deep belly laugh.  You know the kind I am referring to; when you can hardly breathe or move because you are laughing so hard.  Personally, I love this kind of laughter!   

I don’t get to this level of laughter very often.  I remember another friend who laughed so hard (and loud) that her laughter was piercing to the ear.  I was jealous of her ability to laugh like that.  This was about the time the acronym “LOL” was getting popular and I coined a new one just for this friend, “LLR” which meant, “Laugh Like Renee!”  It was my goal to LLR!  I often asked if she would give me lessons to which she would simply LLR!  

Another friend and I (through Facebook) started using LIH which meant “Laughing in (my) Head” for those times when you either cannot LOL or it’s just enough of a laugh that all you need to do is LIH.  

Regardless of what kind of laughter we experience, it is important to experience it!  As I write this short blog about laughter, I am thinking that a coaching session filled with laughter might be just what someone (and me) might need right now.  Laughter is that kind of emotion that sometimes needs no words.  I am totally open to meeting with anyone who is game to try this out.  We will just exchange greetings then laugh until our bellies can take it no more!  What do you think?  What are you waiting for?  Message me for my scheduler to meet and laugh!  I am thinking there would never be a coaching fee for laughter!  Besides, the first session is ALWAYS FREE.  I think the name of these sessions will be simply “LLR” and the “R” can easily be changed to the first letter of YOUR name.    

I can’t wait to LLR with YOU!  


Field of Blessings


Sun Tea