Sun Tea
I absolutely love Sun Tea! The combinations for sun tea are endless. One of my sons shares my love of sun tea and he recently made his own for the first time. I helped a little by gifting him a great sun tea pitcher and a tin of loose tea that contained black tea and hibiscus. Later that day he commented about how refreshing the tea tasted.
I like to get creative with ingredients, always starting with either a black tea or green tea. I tend to favor green tea but I have to add flavor because green tea has a bitter taste alone. Some combinations for a great green sun tea might include lemongrass, lemon peel, sage, and of course, lavender. I add lavender to almost any tea blend.
I remember dangling several tea bags from the top of a large glass jar, adding water and screwing on the lid. Then I would set the jar outside on a table for several hours. This is delicious, I agree, but using the flavors I really, really want in my sun tea makes me even happier than a good glass of cold iced tea!
It’s the individual flavors that bring it all together to make it special.
That is exactly how our lives are built. Many different flavors put together create an individual life. It’s when any of our flavors go sour that the sweetness of the tea gets bitter. Think about your flavors, and how you want to feel. Connect with me anytime for a coaching session. We can even chat about sun tea!