The Paths We Take

Life takes us all on a journey. So many choices, so many options, and so many possible paths. There have been plenty of times when it has been difficult to decide which path to take. Through prayer and dependence on God’s guidance, we have chosen; some good, some questionable, but always with hope. 

 Then come the moments of “we should have done this” or “that” or “what if we had?” My husband, Vernon, has often said, “don’t should all over yourself!” We can’t go back, so why question our past decisions in the first place? 

I think it’s human nature to think back and have doubts or questions about the paths we have taken. Lately Vernon and I sure have, as we are facing big changes ahead in his career. 

How will we proceed? Which path should we take? As long as God is guiding that path, we will be okay. Faith is what lights the path ahead. Keeping faith in God as we move through the journey and select the next path to follow will keep us on track. 

What kinds of paths have you taken? Are they always what you expected? I know ours have not always been what we expected. We just learn to make the most of our decisions and live life. 

Cheers to living life big and well, no matter which patch we select!


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“Momma’s Cherry Pie”