Selling My Book
During a recent trip in Texas with my husband, Vernon, we stopped for some coffee. While ordering our drinks, another customer entered and greeted us in a friendly Texas style. When my drink was ready, she asked me about it, curious because she had never tried that particular drink option.
Our conversation went from coffee drinks to where each of us were traveling to. They were headed to Lubbock and us to Austin. As we talked, I mentioned our daughter lives in Austin. She quickly handed me two business cards, as a realtor in New Braunfels. I set down my drink and pulled out my wallet where I had my new bookmarks illustrating my new book, “Into the Canyon.” I quickly explained I had recently published my first book and described what it was about. I showed her the QR code on the bookmark, being sure to let her know she could purchase a copy right off the bookmark.
When we left, Vernon commented on what a great job I did selling my book.
I did it! I mean I have never been a good salesperson. I have had to learn how to promote myself and my writing. In theory, that sounds simple. In reality, it’s terrifying! So for Vernon to be surprised by my quick selling of my product was not a surprise to me.
This part of the writing, publishing journey has forced me to come out of my safe, little, private shell. I can stay safe in my own space when I am writing. Selling what I have written is an entirely different feeling.
With tremendous help from my family, support of so many wonderful friends, I have gained the confidence to put effort into selling my book. It’s been an amazing experience.
With all this said, I want to encourage anyone reading this who may be struggling with “putting yourself out there” to take that leap of faith. Yes, it is hard. Yes, it is intimidating. But it is definitely worth it.