“Momma’s Cherry Pie”
“She turned to the stove and picked up a fresh baked cherry pie, Izrael’s favorite”
This is a quote from my newly published book, Into the Canyon. What’s your favorite treat? Do you have a favorite something your momma used to make?
Most of us can answer this with a quick YES! We may fondly remember something from our own Momma’s cooking, or grandmother, or another special person. I loved my Momma’s banana bread; it was truly hard to beat.
Now that my Momma is in Heaven, I can only cherish the memories, and sometimes I think I can even smell her banana bread baking. My memories of her overall excellent cooking skills warm my heart and bring me much comfort.
“Momma” from, Into the Canyon, is also an excellent cook, and baker. Her family loves her cherry pie!
Now go have a piece of cherry pie and a hot beverage. Then curl up to read, Into the Canyon. I so hope you enjoy it, and I hope it brings back some special memories.