I’m a “blogger!” I’ve always wanted to say that. The blogs I write here are varied. I write about my own experiences, and I like to put it all out there. In other words, “I like to spill my tea!” Come back often to see what I’m spilling!





Victoria • Spills • Her • Tea •

Being a Writing Coach
Victoria Baker Victoria Baker

Being a Writing Coach

I have shared before that over the last couple of years I studied coaching to earn my certification in June of 2021 via the International Coaching Federation (ICF) as an Associate Certified Coach (ACC). I am proud to be a part of this association and carry this certification.

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The Wannabe
Victoria Baker Victoria Baker

The Wannabe

I have spent much of my life being a “Wannabe” and I am so over it!

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A Writing Resolution
Victoria Baker Victoria Baker

A Writing Resolution

Taking the plunge into writing was a huge step for me but the bigger step came in becoming bold about the fact that I was writing a book. I doubted my own abilities and I felt intimidated to admit I had this passion, then even more so on how I would share it with the world.

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My First Book!
Victoria Baker Victoria Baker

My First Book!

I am thoroughly excited to have finished writing my first book!

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7 Days of Tea!
Victoria Baker Victoria Baker

7 Days of Tea!

During the week of Thanksgiving, I am going to enjoy 7 days of Tea. I plan to make and drink healthy tea instead of coffee or other not-so-healthy drinks.

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Turning 60! Say, What?
Victoria Baker Victoria Baker

Turning 60! Say, What?

To be direct and honest, I’m shocked to be turning 60 this month! These kinds of numbers always sounded so far away, but here we are! My husband, Vernon, turned 60 last February, and he survived, so I figure I will too, and I truly do not feel old.

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En-Spire Life Meaning
Victoria Baker Victoria Baker

En-Spire Life Meaning

Where did I come up with the name, En-Spire Life?

The answer is I had seen it several years ago, when I was beginning to think of an idea for a business where at the time, I had considered more of a consulting type of business. I wanted to do something that would help others reach their goals professionally, by mentoring or “coaching” them through interviews and any challenges that come along in our work lives. The word “inspire” was on my mind and it occurred me to look at my translator app for the word in different languages.

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Field of Blessings
Victoria Baker Victoria Baker

Field of Blessings

Vernon and I had just gotten back from a weekend trip up north where we had seen the abundant, beautiful fields of yellow wildflowers everywhere, as in the photo attached. We walked through them, we drove through them, and we took pictures of them. I had been looking at my pictures and after I read the words from the little book about Jabez, it hit me that my own “Field of Blessings” is what is to come!

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Sun Tea
Victoria Baker Victoria Baker

Sun Tea

I absolutely love Sun Tea! The combinations for sun tea are endless. One of my sons shares my love of sun tea and he recently made his own for the first time. I helped a little by gifting him a great sun tea pitcher and a tin of loose tea that contained black tea and hibiscus. Later that day he commented about how refreshing the tea tasted.

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Relaxing Tea
Victoria Baker Victoria Baker

Relaxing Tea

My go to tea for the evening is a soft chamomile with a hint of ginger, lavender and rosehips. The chamomile and lavender calm me and help me to wind down, especially after a long day. I like to end my day feeling relaxed and not stressed about what may come the next day. The rosehips add the softness and ginger the crispiness. It is a variety of flavors that blend well and satisfy several needs.

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I love tea. I hate tea bags! (and some exciting news!)
Victoria Baker Victoria Baker

I love tea. I hate tea bags! (and some exciting news!)

I started using loose tea several years ago after years of trying different brands of tea bags and never finding anything I really liked. I finally realized that the loose teas offer so much more flavor and options to try!

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“I’m never gonna know what you go through...” ~ Glen Campbell
Levi McKay Levi McKay

“I’m never gonna know what you go through...” ~ Glen Campbell

This quote from Glen Campbell’s song, “I’m Not Gonna Miss You” has been on my mind. I feel it bears repeating. May is a hard month for our family. My parents hit their 60th wedding anniversary 2 days prior to my dad passing away, and only 9 days before his 91st birthday, in May of 2019.

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Focus on the Pause
Victoria Baker Victoria Baker

Focus on the Pause

I have heard that focusing on the pause is a positive thing to do. However, I am not so sure it is all that easy to do. I feel like pauses are brief. We may pause to reflect, but do we really pause?

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Caregiver or Daughter? (It’s hard to do both)
Victoria Baker Victoria Baker

Caregiver or Daughter? (It’s hard to do both)

My whole life I have been a daughter. I’m not sure how anyone can avoid that, at least the biological side of being a daughter. I am one of the lucky ones to have had my biological mother all my life.

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Sunrises, Sunsets… and Stress
Victoria Baker Victoria Baker

Sunrises, Sunsets… and Stress

I woke up a little earlier than usual on the morning that I snapped this pic of a sunrise. It occurred to me afterwards that I tend to not notice sunrises very often.

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Victoria Baker Victoria Baker


I think of “Journaling” as taking life notes.  Whether they are good or bad, happy or sad, confused or excited, I enjoy writing down my thoughts.

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Victoria Baker Victoria Baker


“LIFE” is what we have while we are on this earth – it is everything! So my goal? I want to help you focus on YOUR life; what you need in your life to make it what you want it to be.

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